Five on Friday

Hi all! On Fridays, I decided to start a little post called five for Friday. This is where I am either going to share my top five moments from my week, my top five new discoveries on Pinterest, or a mixture of both.

1.  My new chalkboard calendar!! 

I absolutely L O V E this calendar. I found it at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. It is still on sale and you can find it here.

I also bought chalk markers with it and it literally has been the Best Buy ever. 
I know, I know, I already have it set up for July, but there are only two days left in June and I thought it was a waste to do the whole June calendar to erase it only a few days later..... 

2. The Teaching Texan Lesson Planner

It's no secret that I have been a die-hard Erin Condren girl. However, I never actually used all of the planner. I would start in August with the idea of planning all my lessons out and writing down ideas and making sure everything was organized. But, slowly throughout the year I got busy and didn't have time to write it all in anymore. 

One day I was looking on a Teacher Facebook Group and saw that someone had mentioned the Teaching Texan Lesson Planner, so I decided to investigate.

I will end up purchasing this one as it goes perfectly with my farmhouse chic theme. 

If you want to check out all the ones that are offered, head on over to this site right here.

3. Pinterest Quote

I love finding quotes that are particularly relevant to my life right now. While I was looking for items for our little farmhouse, I came across a sign that said "Love grows best in little houses." I thought that it was so cute so I decided to do more searching for that quote and I found that it belonged to a longer quote. It fits so perfectly into our life right now and it will end up being in our decor somewhere. :-)

4.  Girls <3 Dinos Too!

I have fallen in love with dinosaur outfits for girls. They are in style right now, but I have yet to see an outfit in a print I like. That is until this one..... It is so cute and summary. I may have to add this to A's closet. :-)

5. Interactive Alphabet Notebooks

Since I teacher Kindergarten, I am always looking for new and different ways for my students to learn their alphabet letters. I recently found this pin on Pinterest and I am now thinking of ways to incorporate it into my classroom this year. 

My fellow Kinder teachers, have you done something similar? If so, how did it go? Did your students like it?

If you would like to do your own Five on Friday post, feel free to comment with a link to your post below!! I look forward to reading all your awesome Friday posts!!

Mrs. Moore

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