It has taken me a while to wrap my head around this post and exactly what I want to say......
Some of you may know that our sweet little girl arrived a bit earlier than expected.....about 6 weeks early. (She didn't even let me attend her baby shower) There were some medical concerns which caused me to be induced and our little girl to make her arrival sooner and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I get an extra month (summer break) to snuggle, kiss, and pamper her. :-)
Usually I reserve my blog for posts dealing specifically with education, all things classroom, and my tips/techniques that have hopefully helped someone along the way......
However, I think I want to branch out and start to talk a little about my personal life and try to help someone on that level as well.
So here it goes...........................
Some of you may have strong opinions about this topic (and I did too until I found myself in this situation). Breastfeeding.
We have all heard the saying "Breast is best." and whether you believe that statement or not isn't the point. The point I want to make is bigger. Sometimes there are mothers who for one reason or another can not or do not want to breastfeed. Unfortunately I found out that I can not produce enough milk for my dear little girl. I have tried and tried, gone through many sessions with a lactation specialist, and even given some old wives tale strategies a go with no luck.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the disappointing looks and comments from others hurt me even worse. I would love nothing better than to be able to breastfeed my daughter, but I literally and physically can't. So, this post is going out to all the mommies who have struggled in one way or another like I have.
Dear Struggling Parents:
I see you trying to keep it together when you are holding your little one beside me. Snuggling our little ones tighter because they mean the world to us. I see your tears when you are told you can't take your little one home today because he/she didn't pass the car seat test. I see you looking in on your little one under the special lights wondering when you will be able to hold them. I see your little one hooked up to so many wires you are afraid to move them for fear of pulling or tugging one wrong. I see you looking at the other moms who are pumping in the corner and thinking that you are letting your little one down because you can't. But here's what I want you to hear. You are doing what is right for you and your baby. That's ALL that matters. No one is the same and no one knows what they are doing (if they say they do, they're lying). We are all new at this and truth be told we are all scared, worried, nervous, sad, and a million other emotions. I have seen you cry, struggle, and break down. But, more importantly......I have seen you laugh, cuddle, kiss, and nurture that little one. You are going to be a great mommy because I have seen it first hand already. We mommies need to stick together because no one knows what we are going through better than other mommies. Every mommy is different and has a different perspective on being a parent. We need to respect each other and lift each other up on our journeys of parenthood because it only gets tougher from here. But, it also gets a lot more fun as well.
Your fellow Mommy friend
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